A dog trainer was fined hundreds of pounds for two improved performances at a disciplinary hearing held yesterday.

The Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB) assessed whether Jim Reynolds had improved the performance of Borna Time on Thursday, July 14 and Airport Glider on Saturday, July 23, both at Coral Romford Stadium.

Mr Reynolds admitted a breach of rules 49(iv), 152(i) and (ii) in regard to Airport Glider and the GBGB found him in violation of the same rules with Borna Time.

When approached for a comment, Mr Reynolds said: “Absolutely not.”

In July, the Recorder reported that the stadium in London Road, Romford, had terminated its contract with the high profile trainer after accusing him of “bringing the integrity of the sport into question”.

Mr Reynolds objected to the story - which carried the views of the stadium management and not the paper - and the Recorder printed an apology the following week.

In a statement to Greyhound Star Mr Reynolds is quoted as saying: “It is absurd, baseless and libellous for Corals to state that I have “brought the integrity of the sport and track (Romford) into question.”

He added that he was both saddened and disappointed to have his contract terminated.

But since that time, Mr Reynolds has been allowed to race dogs at the Romford stadium and a Coral spokesman confirmed he would be able to continue.

The stadium’s manager Peter O’Dowd was unable to provide a comment when contacted by the Recorder, but a member of staff from his office clarified: “Friday night racing is open racing and not graded racing.”

Mr Reynolds remains a licensed dog owner and trainer who now operates from Towchester Race Course and not Wimbledon.

Towchester racing manager, Chris Page said: “It happens all the time. Greyhounds are animals you never know what they are going to do.

“I used to work with him at Walthamstow. In the thousands of runs that he has had, it’s been rare to have an inquiry.

“I think it’s a little unjust what’s happened to him and we are delighted to have him as a result.”