A schoolgirl was left with horrific wounds after she was attacked by a husky in Chadwell Heath, a court heard. 

Sharon Dourado, 44, was walking her ex-partner's dog, Rocky, in Somerville Road just off the A12 at around 4.30pm on March 30, 2023. 

Rocky was on a lead but Dourado lost her grip when the dog suddenly charged at an A-level student who was walking home from school, the court was told.

In a police statement the schoolgirl said: “I was on my phone, looked up and saw a woman walking a dog. When I looked up again I saw the dog had its mouth open and was showing its teeth while running at me.” 

The terrified girl ran away but Rocky chased her and jumped on her back, the court heard, knocking her to the ground. 

Dourado eventually managed to get Rocky off the girl but the dog then chased the schoolgirl as she ran off again. 

It caught up with her and attacked for a second time, this time causing the girl to momentarily pass out, prosecutor Edward Kalber said. 

When she regained consciousness the girl ran away again but the dog chased and knocked her to the ground for a third time. 

In her police statement she described how the dog bit down on her right leg and shook it aggressively. 

On Thursday (October 3) London’s dog court at Willesden Magistrates’ Court was shown photos of the horror wounds to the schoolgirl’s legs. 

The girl was rushed to King George’s Hospital before being transferred to Queen’s Hospital. 

She remained in hospital for a week and required an operation as a result of the injuries. 

In a victim statement, she said the incident severely disrupted her A-level preparations. 

“I’m also now scared of dogs and walk in different directions or cross the road when I see dogs,” she added. 

Dourado, of Woodrush Way, Chadwell Heath, pleaded guilty to being in charge of a dog which was dangerously out of control causing injury. 

But the court heard it was not her dog, her ex-partner had left it at hers to look after for the day and she said she did not know the dog was aggressive. 

Dourado said she was sincerely apologetic for what happened. 

Prosecutor Mr Kalber said the whereabouts of the dog are completely unknown as it was not confiscated by police. 

The case was sent to Harrow Crown Court for sentencing at a later date.