A prolific thief who repeatedly stole bags from pub-goers has been jailed and banned from the City of London. 

Mohamed Dhahri, 25, carried out a series of thefts at pubs in the City between February and July. 

On February 29 he stole a bag and personal items worth £1,000 from The Pelt Trader by Cannon Street station. 

Five days later on March 5 he stole a bag and multiple electronic items from the Sugarloaf just around the corner. 

On April 15 he then stole a laptop and tablet worth £2,000 from The Woodin Shades near Liverpool Street station. 

Finally, on July 18 he stole a bag with a laptop inside worth £2,000 from Bloomberg Arcade near Cannon Street station. 

After he was convicted of four thefts Dhahri was sentenced to 16 months in prison. 

A judge at Snaresbrook Crown Court also also handed Dhahri a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO), banning him from entering the City of London for five years. 

Detective Sergeant Helen Bentley, of the City of London Police, said: “With Mohamed Dhahri behind bars and also given a CBO banning him from entering the City, we hope that this will give reassurance to businesses, retail staff and also shoppers, as well as act as a deterrent to others thinking of criminal activity.  

“We take such offences very seriously and this is a warning that we will bring those committing crimes in the City to justice.”