A man says he has been left shocked and appalled after the council refused to treat a man pooing in the street as an antisocial behaviour incident.

Colin Aylward’s CCTV camera captured a taxi driver pulling up outside his home in Chittys Lane, Dagenham, and emptying his bowels on the pavement.

But when he reported it to Barking and Dagenham Council, it took no action.

“I’m gobsmacked,” said Colin. “Just when I think I’ve seen it all! He just s*** on the floor and left it there, then got back in his cab.

“He could have at least gone on the green, behind a tree or something, but he decided to s*** on the pavement like a dog. He doesn’t even attempt to clear it up. What an utter scumbag!

“I said to the council, ‘What do you actually accept as antisocial behaviour, if people can just defecate on the pavement and leave it there and that’s okay? What is your tolerance threshold?’”

Colin's camera caught a cab driver squatting down behind his taxi door, standing back up with his bare bottom exposed, appearing to wipe it, then getting back in his carColin's camera caught a cab driver squatting down behind his taxi door, standing back up with his bare bottom exposed, appearing to wipe it, then getting back in his car (Image: Colin Aylward)

Colin happened upon the incident while scouring his CCTV for fly-tippers.

“We got a lot of people dumping rubbish here and it really winds me up,” he said. “I saw this guy wiping his arse and I thought, ‘Please don’t tell me he’s just s*** outside my house.”

He walked to the spot where the incident occurred in the video and found a pile of excrement and blue tissue paper.

Furious, he reported it to Barking and Dagenham Council’s “grime crime” team, which names and shames rubbish rubbish dumpers – but they told him it was an antisocial behaviour matter.

But then the antisocial behaviour team then refused to deal with it, claiming the video wasn’t clear enough.

Colin photographed the poo and tissue paper on the floor, precisely where the man in the footage was seen - but the council claimed there was insufficient evidence someone had pooed thereColin photographed the poo and tissue paper on the floor, precisely where the man in the footage was seen - but the council claimed there was insufficient evidence someone had pooed there (Image: Colin Aylward)

In the footage, the man can be seen retrieving some tissue paper, opening his car door, squatting down behind it, standing up with his bottom exposed, appearing to wipe it, then pulling his trousers up.

Yet the council told us: “Mr Aylward was advised that because the CCTV footage doesn’t clearly show a person defecating on the pavement due to trees and bushes obstructing the view, no further action could be taken.

“Without sufficient video evidence, there is unfortunately no proof that this incident took place.”

But Colin rubbished that claim.

“You clearly see him wiping his arse,” he said. “You see him pulling the paper towel, which I then found on the floor.”

He has now reported the incident to the council’s taxi licensing team.

What do you think? Watch the footage below: