Brentwood has been named as one of the Essex areas with the lowest number of reported anti-social behaviour crimes. 

New data shared by Essex Police on September 9 has revealed the number of anti-social behaviour (ASB) related crimes that have been reported across the county. 

Across the county, incidents of ASB have dropped by a reported 13 per cent in the last 12 months. 

According to the force, the new figures mean that it is the third consecutive annual decrease in reported offences. 

There were 2,312 fewer offences reported to police in the year up to the end of July, with every district in the county recording a fall in ASB reports. 

Brentwood was revealed to have the third fewest reports of ASB offences over the past year, with 465 cases. 

Essex is one of ten forces running a pilot scheme targeting patrols to ASB hotspots. 

The patrolling started in July 2023 and has in its first phase led to 101 arrests, 387 stop and searches, and the issuing of 112 fixed penalty notices. 

Dep Ch Con Andy Prophet is the National Police Chief Council’s lead for ASB.

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He said: “There are many examples of successful interventions up and down the country where police and other agencies are successfully working with communities to tackle and reduce ASB.

“This focused hotspot approach, using powers of dispersal, stop and search, premises closure and of course arrest, is a vital part of what must be a long term, multi-agency approach to tackling anti-social behaviour.”

An announcement about the next phase of the pilot scheme in Essex will be made at the end of the month.