A coroner has formally opened an investigation into a Harold Hill man's death.

East London Coroner’s Court heard Michael Moore, 60, was found bleeding heavily at his home in Heathfield House, Leamington Road.

An inquest into his death was opened at the court in Walthamstow on Tuesday, August 20.

“Mr Moore’s death had been declared on the 9th of August 2024 by the London Ambulance Service,” said senior coroner Graeme Irvine. “They had been called to his home address.”

A subsequent post-mortem examination, on August 15, gave his cause of death as “exsanguination” – meaning blood loss.

“Immediately prior to his death, he had called an ex-partner, threatening to cause himself self-harm,” said Mr Irvine.

He asked coroner’s officers to gather evidence, including a statement from Mr Moore’s family about his character, his living circumstances and “any specific concerns regarding his death”.

He also ordered copies of Mr Moore’s GP records, any mental health trust records, statements from attending police officers and copies of finalised pathology and toxicology reports.

He set Mr Moore’s inquest date for March 3, 2025.  

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