Almost 60 drivers in Brentwood were reported for offences that can lead to fatal crashes - on a single enforcement day.

During a #VisionZero enforcement day held by officers in Ongar Road on August 6, Essex Police said almost 60 #FatalFour offences were reported.

These offences involve known factors that contribute to serious and fatal collisions.

Another 60 other traffic offences were reported on the same day, including careless driving and not wearing seatbelts.

A total of 24 drivers were reported for using mobile phones while behind the wheel.

The Roads Policing team highlighted that using a phone while driving meant that drivers were not in proper control of their vehicles.

Thirteen drivers were caught speeding, two were not in proper control of their vehicles and one was stopped for careless driving.

Police reported drivers for speeding, not wearing seatbelts and careless driving (Image: Google Maps)

More than 20 drivers were reported for not wearing seatbelts on the #VisionZero day.

The condition of road vehicles was also assessed at the enforcement day, with two vehicles found to be unroadworthy.

Among these, police said one had a bald tyre and one was in a dangerous condition.

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A third vehicle was reported for an insecure load - something which officers stressed should be checked before starting a journey - and another was seized due to lack of insurance.

Officers also stopped five drivers because their window tints were too dark, preventing the legal amount of light to pass.

To ensure older drivers could be confident, four eyesight tests were conducted and all passed.

Roads Policing Unit officers urged drivers to visit the Safer Essex Roads Partnership’s website to find out how they can pledge support for zero roads deaths in Essex.