A teacher has said she needs to stay indoors in Romford for fear of racist abuse amid far-right violence across the country.

She told LBC presenter Vanessa Feltz during a phone-in on Monday afternoon (August 5) that she is "enraged" by the riots in UK towns and cities over the past week and has "had enough" of racism in her home town.

She says her children and six-month-old grandson have experienced racism in Romford.

She said her son has had to miss a blood test that he needs and he has even had to be kept out of school.

"We were supposed to be getting a blood test done today, but because we are Muslim we need to stay indoors," the caller said.

READ MORE: Havering councillors face racism and bullying complaints

This comes after a week of violence and disorder across the country, which Prime Minister Keir Starmer has condemned as "far-right thuggery", following the fatal stabbing of young girls in Southport on July 29.

Romford has not experienced any disorder but Havering Council leader Ray Morgon has urged residents to "stay united" amid the "scenes of hatred and violence" in other parts of the country.

The Muslim teacher told LBC that these riots are a culmination of racism and "hatred" in the country that has been going on for a "very long time".

She said: "This hasn't just been going on for a week - this has been going on for a very long time.

"I never ever got racism when I was growing up, but my children have had racism in Romford.

"My grandson has had racism and he's only six months old."

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She added that her family have all served "our country" - right back to her great-grandad, who was in the British Army.

She said: "We're British, I don't care what anyone says to us.

"I was born in this country. This is my country.

"I am Muslim, I am Brown, and I am proud.

"And I cannot believe that people are trying to justify disgusting behaviour.

"What is going on with our people? What is going on with our nation? Where are our morals?"

Cllr Morgon said that Havering Council is continuing to "put out messaging condemning hate and violence", as well as directing residents towards how they can get support if they are a victim of hate crime.