A new electric vehicle charging station has been set up in Ilford for motorists who have switched to greener driving.

It has been set up at Redbridge Council’s Ley Street Depot car park with an "ultra-fast" charger that can zap enough juice for 100 miles in just ten minutes.

Bigger charging bays have also been marked out for larger commercial vehicles from local businesses.

The project is part of the council’s drive to encourage more households and businesses to switch away from petrol and diesel.

“We all have a role to play in tackling climate change,” Cllr Jo Blackman said. “Using greener and more sustainable transport to get around is one way to cut air pollution and help tackle the climate crisis.”

Redbridge said it is the first London borough to join energy supplier E.ON for a project to set up more ‘fast track’ charging stations across London.

Motor transport has been identified as one of the biggest sources of carbon emissions, making it the council’s key area for action in tackling climate change.