Two murderers, a couple who committed £700,000 worth of benefit fraud and a child rapist are among the east Londoners jailed this month.

Here are the names and faces of the men and women judges have put behind bars in June 2024.

Reece Sudbury 

Reece Sudbury Reece Sudbury (Image: City of London Police) Reece Sudbury, 34, of Romford, punched and bit a bus driver then attacked police officers during his arrest.

Sudbury boarded an out-of-service bus in Worship Street, Shoreditch, during the day of the attack on August 27, 2022.

The bus driver told Sudbury that it was out of service and asked him to get out, but the 34-year-old attacked the driver instead.

This resulted in the driver being punched, bitten and tackled to the ground.

City of London Police officers arrived to arrest Sudbury – but during the arrest he attempted to punch, kick and headbutt officers.

He managed to kick one officer and bit another during the restraint.

And then while in custody, he continued to be violent and assaulted another two officers.

Sudbury was jailed for two years and seven months.

Read the full story - Man punched and bit 'hard-working' bus driver and police officers

Shannah Everitt

Shannah EverittShannah Everitt (Image: Met Police) Shannah Everitt, 29, of no fixed abode, was jailed and banned from certain parts of Harold Hill for persistent shoplifting.

On June 17 she was arrested in relation to multiple shoplifting offences committed in Farnham Road, Petersfield Avenue and Station Road, the latter in Harold Wood.

Acting Ch Insp Charlie Routley said the Harold Hill community has been "plagued" by Everitt's "brazen and unscrupulous offending".

She was sentenced to 16 weeks imprisonment and handed a three-year Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO).

"I hope this comes as a great relief to those shop workers and residents who have been effected by Everitt’s offending over the last few months," A/Ch Insp Routley added.

Read the full story - Woman who went on shoplifting spree gets Harold Hill ban and jail time

Wiktoria Packowska and Wojciech Kowalski

Wiktoria Packowska (left) and Wojciech Kowalski (right) Wiktoria Packowska (left) and Wojciech Kowalski (right) (Image: Kent Police) Wiktoria Packowska and Wojciech Kowalski, both aged 28, of High Road in Ilford,  claimed more than £700,000 of fraudulent benefits.

They made more than 80 false claims across a three-year period. 

But their scam came to light in June 2020 when they tried to leave the UK via the Channel Tunnel. 

Packowska was found to have £50,000 in cash hidden inside her leggings and a further £12,000 inside her handbag. 

When their home was searched officers removed a kitchen kickboard and found a carrier bag containing mobile phones, bank cards and documents linking them to fraudulent activity. 

They were released on bail pending further enquiries but continued to claim for benefits they were not entitled to and were arrested for a second time. 

The pair later pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud, possessing articles for use in fraud and possessing criminal property. 

They were each jailed for four years. 

Read the full story - Couple who claimed £700k of fraudulent benefits caught while trying to leave UK

Awadh Saleh and Rio Burton-Devine

Awadh Saleh (left) and Rio Burton-Devine (right)Awadh Saleh (left) and Rio Burton-Devine (right) (Image: Met Police) Awadh Saleh and Rio Burton-Devine shot a teenager from a car in Newham before stabbing him to death.

Abubakarr ‘Junior’ Jah was 18 when he was killed in April 2021, just four years after his brother Ahmed Deen-Jah was murdered.

Awadh Saleh, 25, of Chesterton Terrace in Plaistow, was sentenced to life with a minimum of 36 years for Junior's murder.

Rio Burton-Devine, 25, of Burder Close in Hackney, was also sentenced to life with a minimum of 31 years imprisonment.

Det Ch Insp Mark Rogers, senior investigating officer, said: "Junior was murdered just four years after his brother Ahmed and his family have been through unimaginable suffering.

"Junior’s life was suddenly and inexplicably cut short by Saleh and Burton-Devine, who set out that day on a ‘rideout’, intent on carrying out the most brutal act of violence against anyone they believed may be linked to rival gangs.

"They believed they could get away with their crimes but despite the length of time passed, our team never gave up fighting for justice for Junior and his family," he added.

Read the full story - Gang members who shot and stabbed teen to death jailed for life

Nigel Moore Prescod

Nigel Moore Prescod Nigel Moore Prescod (Image: Met Police) Nigel Moore Prescod, 44, of Gordon Avenue in Hornchurch, assaulted a woman then attempted to pervert the course of justice by offering her money and threatening her. 

Prescod appeared at Woolwich Crown Court on June 3 after he was convicted of assault by beating and attempting to pervert the course of public justice. 

The offences took place against a woman in Woolwich in March and April this year, court documents state. 

Prescod “did a series of acts namely send the victim money, threaten her with violence and attempt to take her away from London”, according to court documents. 

Judge Philip Shorrock sentenced Prescod to two years and three months in prison. 

Read the full story - Hornchurch man jailed for assaulting woman and perverting the course of justice

Khayrul Islam

Khayrul IslamKhayrul Islam (Image: Met Police) Khayrul Islam, 29,  of Ropley Street, Tower Hamlets, got a 14-year-old girl drunk on her birthday so that he could rape her.

He contacted the teenager on her birthday and invited her to his home to celebrate.

The child went and was given alcohol until she was drunk, which is when Islam attacked her.

She managed to run away, leaving behind some of her belongings, and she cried out that she had been raped.

Members of the public came to help the girl and flagged down a passing police car.

As the girl was shocked, she couldn’t remember the address she escaped from but Islam’s phone number was used to trace his address.

The 29-year-old was arrested that same day on suspicion of rape.

Islam was jailed for ten years.

Read the full story - Sexual predator made girl, 14, drunk on her birthday to rape her

Monsor Kazi

Monsor KaziMonsor Kazi (Image: Met Police) Monsor Kazi, 54, of Hickling Road in Ilford, was jailed for repeatedly raping a nine-year-old girl.

Kazi was found guilty of seven counts of rape and the assault of an underage girl.

The victim's father reported the abuse to the Metropolitan Police in February 2022 and officers arrested Kazi.

Kazi was jailed for 13-and-a-half years.

Det Con Chloe James, who led the investigation based at Romford Police Station, said: "We're very grateful to the victim for her courage in speaking about the abuse she faced at the hands of Kazi, and the witnesses who came forward to support this investigation."

Read the full story - Rapist jailed after repeat attacks on nine-year-old girl

Hoosain Faweez Mungur

 Hoosain Faweez MungurHoosain Faweez Mungur (Image: NCA) Hoosain Faweez Mungur, 62, previously of Woodford Green, was jailed for drug trafficking after he spent 10 years on the run.

Mungur was living in a luxury £2 million house in Woodford Green when he was first arrested on May 10, 2013. 

The arrest came after Border Force officers found four kilos of cocaine concealed inside a spare tyre as he got off a ferry at Harwich. 

After he was questioned Mungur was bailed pending further enquiries but the following year he disappeared after initially telling officers he was returning to France for medical treatment. 

Two years later, in November 2016, a lorry bound for the UK which was searched at the Calais border was found to contain 45 kilos of cocaine and 25 kilos of heroin, hidden within a pallet containing boxes of hair extensions. 

Read the full story - Drug trafficker who lived in £2m house is tracked down after decade on the run

The National Crime Agency (NCA) established that Mungur had been the organiser for the shipment and several others in previous months. 

The drugs were sent to contacts in the UK and Mungur received payments into bank accounts belonging to his front companies. 

Two of his co-conspirators were jailed for four-and-a-half years each in 2019 but Mungur remained on the run. 

Eventually he was tracked to Madrid Airport in Spain in June last year. 

He has now been jailed for 19 years.