Romford has a wealth of historic buildings which have played an important role in the town's past, so we have rounded up some of its most notable below.

From a police station in Straight Road from around the 1930s, to a well-loved public baths in that decade, we have picked a selection of important buildings across the town.

Take a look at our choices below.

Plough Corner Police Station in Straight Road circa 1930s (behind Gallows Corner)

Plough Corner Police Station on Straight Road in Romford circa 1930sPlough Corner Police Station in Straight Road in Romford circa 1930s (Image: Havering Libraries-Local Studies)

In the above photo, the left-side houses were police accommodation, later incorporated into a police station, according to Havering Libraries.

This was near Gallows Corner and opened just as traffic was about to increase with the opening of Southend Arterial Road in 1925.

The nearest police station was formerly on South Street where about 20 men covered the area, Havering Libraries added.

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Laurie Hall in Market Place circa 1865-1871

Laurie HallLaurie Hall (Image: Havering Libraries-Local Studies)

This photo dates back from before 1872, according to Havering Libraries, just under 20 years after the hall was completed in 1853.

It was part of the "new town" development by John Laurie and in September that year it was confirmed as Romford's county court.

Hare Hall in Romford circa 1905

Hare HallHare Hall (Image: Havering Libraries-Local Studies)

This postcard view shows Hare Hall which was requisitioned by the War Office in World War One when the Sportsmans Battalion arrived on March 17 in 1915, according to Havering Libraries.

After the battalion left, the Artists’ Rifles Officer Training Camp was established there at the beginning of 1916 where they remained until the war's end in 1918.

Romford Town Hall in 1937

Romford Town HallRomford Town Hall (Image: Havering Libraries-Local Studies)

The Romford Borough Council Town Hall opened in 1937, a day of great celebration, according to Havering Libraries.

In 1965 the Grade II listed building became Havering Town Hall.

Romford Public Baths in Mawney Road circa 1905

Romford Public BathsRomford Public Baths (Image: Havering Libraries-Local Studies)

In 1897, a baths committee was formed by Romford Urban District Council to find a suitable premises.

The Romford Public Baths, in 1900, were erected at a cost of £8,000 and opened by Mr. Louis Sinclair, MP for Romford, according to Havering Libraries.

By 1974, £45,000 worth of repairs were identified to keep the pool open for another five years and a report Havering Council proposed its demolition.

The baths were closed in 1974 and demolished just a year later.