A shop has opened at a Romford site that was formerly a Debenhams and subsequently a mall, prompting readers to express their views.

Home Store, a multi-purpose retailer, started trading on June 19 on the ground floor of a huge commercial unit in Market Place.

Since our reporter visited on Friday (June 21) readers have voiced their views on the move, some positive, others less so.

Christine Jemal, commenting on Facebook, said she would have a look to "give it a chance" when next in Romford.

"I'll give it a go, at least its not an empty unit," Christine said. "Romford needs fresh blood there but the rates are ridiculous for companies to survive now."

RELATED NEWS: Former Aklu Plaza in Market Place, Romford replaced with Home Store

Home Store sells bedding, clothes, kitchenware, furniture and rugs, among other items.

Christine added that if landlords were to reduce the unit prices, that would help small businesses and give Romford high streets a chance to flourish again.

Paul Michael Browne, another punter, was less optimistic about the future of the premises.

"Good luck to them, but I have strong doubts that this will last longer than a year.

"If it's already quiet now, I doubt business will pick up."

Paul suggested the building be split into different units and managed by different companies.

"Shopping habits have drastically changed and department stores have been closing for years," he added.

The unit dates back to the 1860s when Stone's opened a shop in Market Place. Debenhams made the space its home in 1973 and traded for almost 50 years.

It shut in 2021 and the lease was taken over by Aklu Miah, who opened Aklu Plaza in 2022.

The complex shut in 2023 and Aklu Plaza Limited was dissolved last October.

This month, while there has been some criticism, many were happy to see the vacant unit in use.

Parvin Akhter said: "If you don’t want to shop there, nobody is going to force you.

"They are literally selling the same kind of clothing items that are being sold in Romford market.

"Yes it doesn’t look like a multimillion pound company like [the] ex Debenhams, but it’s better than an empty building", he added.