Pictures have emerged from the scene of a fire in Rainham as more than 100 firefighters tackle the blaze.

Ferry Lane has been swarmed by crews of firefighters from across east London after two industrial units were reported to be on fire at 1.11pm today (June 20). 

One-hundred and twenty-five firefighters are at the scene, with a precautionary 25-metre cordon in place for the safety of those in the surrounding areas. 

The mammoth fire has led to over 100 firefighters being dispatched to the sceneThe fire has led to more than 100 firefighters being dispatched to the scene (Image: LFB) Locals have been advised to keep all doors and windows shut as a huge plume of thick smoke has been seen rising from the industrial site. 

Ferry Lane has been shut in both directions according to the AA, with traffic expected to impacted most moving eastbound on the A13. 

RELATED: LIVE: Fire crews swarm Rainham industrial estate fire

The plume can be seen from surrounding boroughsThe plume can be seen from surrounding boroughs (Image: LFB) It is the second industrial fire this paper has reported on in the last month, after the ground floor of a commercial unit at a building site in Silvertown caught fire on June 4. 

The London Fire Brigade has confirmed they have not received any reports of injuries so far. 

People in neighbouring boroughs have reported seeing the huge clouds of smoke rising high into the skyline. 

The cause of the fire remains unclear whilst the major incident is dealt with.