A prolific shoplifter has been given prison time and banned from entering certain parts of Harold Hill.

Shannah Everitt, 29, of no fixed abode, was yesterday (June 18) sentenced to 16 weeks imprisonment and handed a three-year Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO).

Everitt was arrested on Monday (June 17) in relation to multiple shoplifting offences committed in Farnham Road, Petersfield Avenue and Station Road, the latter in Harold Wood.

Acting Ch Insp Charlie Routley said the Harold Hill community has been "plagued" by Everitt's "brazen and unscrupulous offending".

"I hope this comes as a great relief to those shop workers and residents who have been effected by Everitt’s offending over the last few months," he added.

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Everitt previously appeared at Barkingside Magistrates' Court in May this year and found guilty of separate shoplifting offences in Harold Hill.

At that time, she was given a 12-week prison sentence suspended for 12 months.

But having committed seven further offences since, Everitt will now go to jail.

She has also been banned from certain parts of Harold Hill.

Everitt must not enter an area including Gooshays Drive, Hilldene Avenue, Chippenham Road, West Dene Drive and Dartfields, police said.

Nor must she enter the shopping parade in Petersfield Avenue.

A/Ch Insp Routley hailed the sentencing a success in an area that has been maligned by repeat shoplifting and violence towards customer service staff.

In October 2023, the Recorder reported shoppers at Hilldene in Harold Hill were afraid to visit stores for goods and were going elsewhere.

“This is another positive result not just for my team, but for the community of Harold Hill," A/Ch Insp Routley said.

"We are working closely with the public and the business community to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour in the area."

He also claimed that police initiative Clear Hold Build, launched in December 2023, had reduced reported crime in the Farnham Road area by 50 per cent.

"We are committed to making Harold Hill a safer place to live and work and we will continue to target offenders by utilising ancillary orders such as Criminal Behaviour Orders to prevent them from offending in our community," he added.