A school in Clayhall has been recognised as the safest school in the country by a recent safeguarding report.

Caterham High School was awarded a Leaders in Safeguarding Gold Award following a recent inspection - the only mainstream primary or secondary school in the UK to have received this accolade.

The school was given this recognition on its first safeguarding inspection, and it comes alongside a 'good' Ofsted rating the school received in 2022.

The inspection noticed that the school had surpassed safeguarding standards across 17 different metrics, including support for the most vulnerable students, anti-grooming procedures, and data sharing.

Efforts by the school to make consent and sexual harassment education key focus areas were acknowledged in the report.

The report said: "The school has a well-established, positive and transparent culture where safeguarding thrives.

"The safety and wellbeing of children and adults is a key priority."

The report added: "Very good attention is given to those students who have been identified as particularly disadvantaged and those who have experienced trauma."

Safeguarding lead at Caterham High School, Éamonn Casey, said: "We are extremely proud to be the only school in the country to have been awarded the gold standard in safeguarding.

"As the report rightly states, the safety of our children while in our care is the top priority.

"It is pleasing they have noted the incredible level of support provided by our staff and the school.

"Our children feel safe, supported and valued at Caterham High School, and empowered to be themselves and fulfil their potential."

The report also highlighted the highly effective safeguarding training of staff and praised the leadership of the school.

Headteacher Belinda Chapple said: "We have worked incredibly hard to create a warm, purposeful atmosphere at Caterham High School.

"Good safeguarding practice is the foundation on which we build a successful academically rigorous, happy and supportive school.

"This culture enables our children to thrive in their learning.

"Huge congratulations must go to our safeguarding team who have worked incredibly hard to achieve this award.

"A safe, supportive school creates the kind of environment where learning can flourish."