A champion of charities supporting people in poverty and the homeless has been elected as the new mayor of Brentwood.

Cllr Gareth Barrett was chosen for the next 12 months at Brentwood Council’s annual meeting on May 17 to take over from Mayor Olivia Francois, who had held the role for two years.

The 38-year-old former Labour Group leader has chosen three charities for official fundraising while he is Mayor of Brentwood, which are the Daily Bread foodbank tackling food poverty, Brentwood’s YMCA and the Royal British Legion.

“These organisations offer something special to Brentwood,” he explained.

“I have met people as a councillor who have benefited from their work which deserve our support.

“Daily Bread helps anyone challenged by the cost-of-living crisis, while the YMCA’s Thames Gateway Group helps vulnerable people with housing as a ‘springboard’ to independent accommodation and jobs.

“The British Legion has been involved in Brentwood for more than a century, recognising our town’s military history, its servicemen and women and their role in our civic life.”

Cllr Barrett, who has represented Brentwood South at the town hall since 2014 and is Conservator of Shenfield Common, was also a governor at his old school, Sawyer’s Hall.

He grew up in Brentwood and went to St Peter’s South Weald Primary and Sawyer’s Hall when it was known as Hedley Walter High School, before studying economics at the University of Essex. He got a degree in Public Policy and a PhD in Politics at Birkbeck University of London and now works in public communications for Hill and Norton PR agency.

“I have civic and democratic responsibilities,” Gareth added. “It’s a privilege to represent my home town as mayor where I grew up and went to school.”

He has chaired the council’s licensing committee and is currently a member of the Brentwood Business Partnership developing plans for the town’s economic development. His interests outside public life include opera and drama and he is a keen runner.  

Cllr Mark Haigh has been elected as Brentwood’s Deputy Mayor.