Two men are on trial charged with the murder of a Rainham father-of-three at an Essex shopping centre.

Michael Ugwa, 29, died at Lakeside Shopping Centre in Thurrock after he was assaulted on April 28 last year.

Muhammad Khan, 23, and Brandon Lutchmunsing, 20, are on trial at Basildon Crown Court.

Khan, of Ilford, and Lutchmunsing, of Dagenham, deny murder and affray.

Jurors were told Khan has admitted possession of a knife.

A third defendant, Shannon, 21,  is also on trial, and denies three counts of assisting an offender.

Weston, of Canewdon, Essex, is accused of driving Khan and Lutchmunsing away from the shopping centre, and of helping Lutchmunsing evade police between April 28 and May 4.

A jury was sworn in on Tuesday. Judge Samantha Leigh sent them away to return on Wednesday, when they will hear prosecutor Karim Khalil KC open details of the case to them.

The trial, estimated to last six weeks, continues.