Many hunt for an exciting way to get fit and tone up that doesn’t involve a treadmill or heavy weights. Well, I’ve found it – body combat.

Romford Recorder: Reporter Ellena Rowlin with instructor Vicky YoungReporter Ellena Rowlin with instructor Vicky Young (Image: Archant)

I went to Central Park Leisure Centre, Gooshays Drive, Romford, to try out this high energy workout and see if it motivated me to improve my fitness.

Vicky Young, the class instructor, welcomed me eagerly and said that if I wanted to take time out at any point it would be fine.

But, despite her comforting words, I was determined to make it to the end – even if meant crawling out of the sports hall.

That fighting spirit was exactly what I needed.

Romford Recorder: Laura Carter at the body combat classLaura Carter at the body combat class (Image: Archant)

The class incorporates boxing-style moves and a bit of self defence to create short routines that change every couple of minutes.

The core moves are simple: Punches, jabs, kicks and squats.

It’s motivation to continue once your muscles start to ache that’s tricky.

But, for those less used to intense workouts, all the moves have a low intensity option, which was great for me as I seemed to be the only one new to combat.

But I didn’t feel like the lazy, unco-ordinated one picking the easier moves as my classmates made me feel comfortable doing whatever level I fancied.

There were about 40 of us in the class, although Vicky told me sometimes they get up to 60 people, and that there is always a waiting list.

I’m not surprised it’s so popular.

It gives you a sense of empowerment, high kicking left and right or jabbing the air as aggressively as you can.

The class soundtrack is really great too.

Vicky said: “The music definitely makes the class more enjoyable than a normal gym session as the matching of the moves with the beat spurs everyone on. It’s about getting people in the zone and once they are, everyone is motivated to work hard.”

I am also promised great results, both in physical appearance and fitness levels if I regularly attend the class.

It’s a different feeling to going for a run or a bike ride. I still had the breath to carry on, but could feel my muscles burning.

You don’t even need to feel nervous about your fitness level when coming to such a high energy class, because it is all about building up your endurance.

Vicky said: “What I normally tell people when they are new is to come along and try four tracks, then come back the next week and try some more.”

I feel sore, of course, but empowered. I can definitely say I am inspired and am already looking to book myself in for the next round.

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