A former pub manager is excited at the prospect of opening the borough’s second micropub.

Trevor Howard, 33, has submitted a planning application to convert a ground floor industrial unit, previously used as offices, in Main Road, Gidea Park.

He said: “The site is completely empty at the moment so you can’t really see what it is going to be like if we do get approval.

“I was quite naïve when I submitted it because I didn’t think it would take so long but I am hoping that we’ll be able to start getting it set up very soon.”

The application for Havering’s first micropub, Upminster TapRoom, Sunnyside Gardens, Upminster, was originally rejected by Havering Council after getting a mixed reaction from residents.

It was eventually given approval to permanently open earlier this year, following a 12-month saga and successful appeal.

Trevor of Ilfracombe Crescent, Hornchurch, said: “What happened with the Upminster TapRoom didn’t put us off at all, I think it was just a case of residents worrying that it would be like a nightclub but I haven’t heard that it has had any problems since it opened.

“I have run pubs for years now but I wanted to open something that was my own place rather than a branch.

“It’s very expensive to set up your own proper pub so thought this would really be the best solution.

“We’ll be among other pubs so it’s not like it will be in a residential area.

“I am hopeful we’ll be able to go ahead and that people will see that it will be positive and add something new to the area.”

The consultation period finishes next Friday.

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