Nearly a third of people in the borough don’t manage thirty minutes of exercise a week, a national sport survey has shown.

The NHS says moderate activity such as running, walking or cycling is vital for physical health, and recommends 150 minutes of exercise a week.

The figures come from the Active Lives Survey, an annual questionnaire which asks people over the age of 16 in every local authority in England about how much sport and physical activity they do, and covers the period between November 2016 and November 2017.

Nationally, people from higher socio-economic groups were much more likely to exercise regularly than poorer people. Long-term unemployed people or those who had never worked were the most likely to be inactive, the Active Lives Survey found.

The survey found walking was the most popular activity in England with 18.6 million people walking for leisure at least twice a month.

While the number of people cycling and swimming was down, there was a significant increase of 518,000 more people doing interval training sessions, such as high intensity interval training classes, since the previous year’s survey.

“The benefits of getting more active include weight loss, better mood, better concentration and higher energy levels,” said a RSPB Rainham Marshes spokeswoman.

“Here at Rainham Marshes our Active in Nature project aims to inspire the local community to get physically active outside.”

RSPB Rainham Marshes offer a range of activities, including Couch to 5k running courses, guided cycle rides, bouldering as well as their walking trails.

Their new Steps Series encourages visitors to take a walk with one of their pedometres to track your steps.

The spokeswoman added: “A lot of people think to exercise, you need to work hard down at the gym, but in actual fact some brisk walking to raise your heart rate is the perfect way to start being more active and what better place than outside enjoying nature.”

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